Sunday, June 8, 2008

Creative Outlet

I just started my new blog for my creative side. It appears that I've been holding this part of myself in prison for a while and I need to let my creativeness out.

Michael and I just returned from Oregon where we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. I've been going through all the pictures we took and creating some digital scrapbook layouts and just optimizing the photos to put in an online gallery.

Here's a picture of us and his parents:

You can check out more pictures of us and Oregon on my flickr site.

This is exciting for me because I have a lot of pictures left to go through and our long needed (but much too short) vacation helped reinvigorate us a bit. We used to run a candle business (Candle Junkies) but closed it down last year when we quit smoking for a number of reasons. We've been extremely busy with work since last fall, but really missed our outlet. At least I know I have.

So, it's time to drag out the sewing machine, craft supplies, paints, get organized and have fun this summer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love being able to read what's going on in your lives. Don't seem to get all that from phone calls. Love your blog and photo's. Keep it up. Michael.........Maybe the fish wouldn't die if you untied the sack them came in before putting them in the tank. Just a thought..........